Thursday, September 18, 2014

Halloween Costumes

About two months ago, Junior received this catalog (dragonflies) or something like that.
The catalog had about 100 different costumes in it. It is actually "Chasing Fireflies" Display of costumes here

In all of these costumes, I don't think we could find one that is actually in our budget.
I explained to him, that he needs to choose a costume early enough so we can begin putting it together. After the magazine made us look like World's Worst Parents . . . I sat down and began searching "" with him.

Two years ago, we made him a robot costume. It was ADORABLE, but not very practical for Trick Or Treating. Last year he was a minion, and was even more adorable. Those last two years combined, cost us less than $20 total (combined!)

This year, Junior wasn't even quite sure what he wanted to be. He mentioned Superman, which I think is cute. So he shows me the costume in the catalog. . . to my surprise he wanted The Ultimate Superman Costume. . . Ladies and Gentlemen . . . $88.00

So, we put this Superman idea up on Pinterest. After multiple giggles and a few "eh" comments, I think we may have found a costume. He may not look like the little boy on Steroids, but he will look like an adorable "Clark Kent: Superman"

We bought the "Superman" S tshirt @ Walmart $6.00
I found "the" glasses @ Garage Sale $1.00
He already has some button down dress shirts.
He already has some black or khaki dress pants.
And he has some adorable black dress shoes.

May I have your attention please . . . We just spent $7 on a costume and HE loves it! (The glasses were purchased, sanitized and scrubbed on Sunday . . . He has not put them down. Even wants to wear them to SCHOOL!)

Saving almost $80 on the costume wasn't even the best part. He can create the costume however he wants, with whatever he wants. We have even offered to get him a cool "guys" wig because his hair is very short. He said nope, I like my hair and my costume! (Proud Parenting Moment!)

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