Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer Pouting OR Summer Reading

I wonder if these 4th grade teachers understand what they are doing to us parents. . .

While Junior is going to a new district this 2015/2016 school year, we are challenged with our first Summer Reading assignment, and he MUST read one of the three choices on the list. Unfortunately, he does NOT enjoy writing about what he has read! Even worse than writing, he does NOT enjoy being told what books to read. Lucky for all of us, Junior does enjoy reading!

The book they must read is Frindle (for his reading level) and they need to write about their thoughts while reading each day. Of course, he just wants to read and get it over with, forget about the writing part.

I've allowed Junior to take 30 different books home from the library and read.
I've also allowed him to share reading with Daddy & myself. (taking turns reading a page)
I've bribed encouraged reading for 30 minutes = ice cream!

My biggest fear is that this book is not going to be completed (along with the notes packet) before school starts in August.

The point of this post. . . .
I'm hoping that some parents will respond and let me know what they have done to encourage their children to read books they are not interested in. Even as a previous teacher, it's difficult for me to come up with creative ideas to encourage reading Frindle. What do you have for ideas?

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