Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall, September is coming to an end!

"Crunching Crinkling, Autumn Leaves, Spiraling Swirling, in the Breeze"

Yesterday afternoon, it was 80 degrees here in Massachusetts. A beautiful fall day, but much hotter than our average fall weather. I wrote the above poem on our outdoor chalk board, as we decorated the front porch!

We did our Sunday trip to the flea market. Bought an adorable antique sled (for decorating the porch in the winter). Then we headed in a different direction to pick some Apples.

I've been enjoying my Pumpkin coffee, watching the leaves change color and taking in the smell of crisp fall air. But I really wanted to do some apple picking and fall decorations yesterday.

This was the first week that I had done our football picks, on my own! I also have managed to get back into reading.

I've been using the internet for some help with great books to read. I use pinterest, amazon and our library's online catalog. I find a book I liked, search for similar books on amazon and pinterest, then I log on the library site and search for the book title. Once I find the title, I request for the library to hold the book for me. . . I receive a text when the book is available, pick it up during my errands and return home to enjoy a good book (with my pumpkin coffee, of course!)

I'm really hoping to figure out how to post pictures. I've been using my phone for photos a lot lately! Considering doing a 365 project! But that is a HUGE commitment for me.

Our chalkboard, mums, wagon & corn stalks!

(edit: added AFTER Halloween)

The colors changing :) LOVE!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Plenty of time, Not enough energy!

Today, 7:30am, 8 month old nephew arrives to be taken care of. 7:45, we are off to drop Junior off at school. 8:05, the baby and I are at Wal Mart, picking up prescriptions for Junior. The baby fell asleep once back in the car and I drove around until 9:00, dropping by the bank to deposit a check (which will disappear by tomorrow) Baby was picked up around 12:45 and I was exhausted. Not because the baby is a lot of work, but because I ran around this morning and didn't sleep last night.

The lack of sleep is kicking my ass more than any crying baby ever could!

However, today I don't want to be a stay at home mom (it changes daily). Then, I read this . . . The following is NOT written by me, but really made me realize that I am not alone!! (YAY!) My response to all of this, is written in pink

1. The title "Stay Home" is a passive-aggressive term. There is nothing flattering, glamorous or remotely attractive about the word "stay." "Too Much Woman to Be Confined to a Cubicle Farm" works better. I swear, it doesn't matter how many times I get my nails done, hair cut/colored, buy a new outfit or attempt a brazillian wax . . . STILL not flattering to stay home!
2. Apparently, you are expected to be "at home" for some parts of the day; particularly those parts when children under the age of 12 are in your care.
3. Repairmen are not sexy in any way. Glad to know, I am NOT the only one disappointed by these creepy/dirty old repairmen. Why can't we have a sexy delivery guy, or someone gorgeous delivering appliances? Just doesn't happen!
4. Nothing very exciting happens. But you need to talk, so the best entertainment is gossip and backstabbing. It is unavoidable and addictive. Being home, I don't even know the latest gossip or backstabbing. I just bitch. And who wants to talk to someone that complains ALL the time. (apparently the only friends I have left!)
5. People will say, "Well, its not like you're working or anything" just moments before they a) sign you up for lame volunteer duties at your child's school, b) dump their own brats on your doorstep, or c) redirect all their home deliveries to your front door (even the fertilizer order). Everyone thinks I will be available at ALL times. Especially when they are in need. Ex: old boss to watch her son, family friend who needs a ride to the doctor and mother, who wants me to let my brothers dog outside because I am home (always!)
6. Cleaning the house is not a problem, keeping it clean is. If the house is as clean at the end of the day as it was when you started, you win. If your child doesn't come in with muddy feet, they are sure to fill the sink with dirty dishes or the laundry room with dirty clothes (every child wears more than one outfit a day)
7. You cannot be late for anything, or with anything. You have nothing else to do. And that is me judging myself! I need to be early or exactly on time for everything! Even picking the boy up from school, must be there 20 minutes early to get a parking spot!
8. Your perceived intelligence drops by at least 50 IQ points. You may have run the computer science department at MIT before you decided to stay at home, but two weeks into the new job and your kids will be asking Dad for help on the family computer. If you ask the 8 year old, I don't know ANYTHING because I don't have a job. Pretty sure that the boyfriends family feels the same way. EXCEPT, reality check . . . I graduated with an Associates in Early Childhood Education AND a Bachelors Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. . . But I still know NOTHING. . .
9. You have no excuse for not exercising. Which also includes, no excuse for weight gain.
10. You have no excuse for not eating a healthy lunch. Because even when the fridge is empty, I can go to the grocery store and buy healthy food. (not really!)
11. You can be truly bored at the same time you are acknowledging that you could be exercising, cleaning the house or watching someone else's kids.
12. The minute you resign form your old position, they promote it to a higher level, increase the salary and bestow a fabulous new title on that bitch who took over from you. I'm not so sure about this one. I know one of my replacements is happy with her job, but she is actually getting paid . . when I wasn't!
13. Your husband either a) shirks all domestic duty, which makes you mad, or b) doesn't shirk any, making you feel guilty. Yay! Something new to fight about! My boyfriend has low expectations. He just wants his son safe & happy.
14. Your children expect you to be at their beck and call. Even in the middle of an emergency manicure, one is expected to drop everything and rush to the school over a perceived "sore stomach."
15. You now have time to launder the sheets. Even if family members are lined up to care for the child . . . some people forget they have a child to pick up! Then that said child, well he thinks you are the biggest piece of shit because YOU didn't show up to pick him up, obviously you were just sitting at home because you don't have a job or anything!
16. Even after 5 p.m., drinking with only children in the house is still considered to be "drinking alone." What, you had a hard day or something? Cant drink "alone" when you are home with the child, because who knows where you may have to bring that child!
17. Your children are no better behaved simply because you're the primary caregiver now. In fact, most often, they're worse. I have to disagree with this one! (so far!)
18. If you dress nicely, neighbours are suspicious. If you dress like a slob, you've let yourself go. If you dress too old, you're middle-aged before your time. If you dress too young, you're a slut.
19. Teachers expect you to be on top of the notes they send home. I couldn't agree with these last two more :( Unfortunately, this is the truth!
20. You're not supposed to be too tired for sex anymore. And if you are, all hell WILL break loose! 

This is what she said . . . (Where I found this information)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Arm Knitting

Last night I decided to try this "30 Minute Infinity Scarf"

Two hours and 30 minutes later.
Three times asking my boyfriend for help.
An 8 year old laughing at me, rewatch the Youtube video.

I made something that looks like a scarf. It is big, chunky and I like it.

Maybe the next one will look more like a scarf? Maybe there wont be a next one.

But, hey I finished a project (craft) and was proud of it!

Time Out for Parents!

Staying home all the time . . . SUCKS!

It is horrible when I drop the boy off at school, come home, do the chores, pick him up at school, and come home to finish dishes and laundry.

Dad gets to meet new customers, have a social life with his employees, and enjoy the life of commuting for work. (Okay, I may not be jealous about the last part)

But after Daddy spent 3 solid days on the couch this weekend, he definitely understood where I am coming from (boredom - depression - irritable - etc.) He just wanted to get in the car and go for a drive.

We have had multiple conversations about adults (me and daddy) needed time out sometimes. We just need to sit in a room with the door shut and RELAX. However, realistically this never happens.

I explained to Daddy that I want to take a non-credit course. So, I signed up for an Art class! A stress-relief, Zentangle class. Sounds interesting right? Well. . . I wont know for a few weeks. But I am extremely excited to try something new, and get out!

I've also been talking with a close friend of mine and we are going to begin a Girls Night. Dinner, Crafts, Movies, Chat. . Whatever. I couldn't be more excited for that either. Not only is it a night for me to get away, but also a night for the boys to spend together!

Feels to me like we are heading down the right path.

Halloween Costumes

About two months ago, Junior received this catalog (dragonflies) or something like that.
The catalog had about 100 different costumes in it. It is actually "Chasing Fireflies" Display of costumes here

In all of these costumes, I don't think we could find one that is actually in our budget.
I explained to him, that he needs to choose a costume early enough so we can begin putting it together. After the magazine made us look like World's Worst Parents . . . I sat down and began searching "" with him.

Two years ago, we made him a robot costume. It was ADORABLE, but not very practical for Trick Or Treating. Last year he was a minion, and was even more adorable. Those last two years combined, cost us less than $20 total (combined!)

This year, Junior wasn't even quite sure what he wanted to be. He mentioned Superman, which I think is cute. So he shows me the costume in the catalog. . . to my surprise he wanted The Ultimate Superman Costume. . . Ladies and Gentlemen . . . $88.00

So, we put this Superman idea up on Pinterest. After multiple giggles and a few "eh" comments, I think we may have found a costume. He may not look like the little boy on Steroids, but he will look like an adorable "Clark Kent: Superman"

We bought the "Superman" S tshirt @ Walmart $6.00
I found "the" glasses @ Garage Sale $1.00
He already has some button down dress shirts.
He already has some black or khaki dress pants.
And he has some adorable black dress shoes.

May I have your attention please . . . We just spent $7 on a costume and HE loves it! (The glasses were purchased, sanitized and scrubbed on Sunday . . . He has not put them down. Even wants to wear them to SCHOOL!)

Saving almost $80 on the costume wasn't even the best part. He can create the costume however he wants, with whatever he wants. We have even offered to get him a cool "guys" wig because his hair is very short. He said nope, I like my hair and my costume! (Proud Parenting Moment!)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Something other than Shopping

In a situation such as my own, this blended family if you wish to call it, I obviously have a psychiatrist. Let's call her Doc. Now that Junior is back to school, I have some extra free time on my hands. We don't want depression to creep back up on me (like it did last winter). I'm willing to make time for ME, but I don't know where to begin.

I thought about taking a class. Possibly a non-credit course. And started researching college courses in the area, and classes at our local trade school. Shit outta luck! There is a zentangle class, which seems cool . . . but hell, I can doodle, and draw on my own. Then I found an Overeaters Anonymous, which would be PERFECT, but it is only one night. So, lets go back to square one and begin planning again.

After getting a bachelors degree in college, I really don't want to go back and take real courses (expensive courses) because, lets face it . . I don't know who I want to be when I grow up. (Identity Crisis)

Looking at other options, Doc has suggested a yoga class, a writing course (perfect, if I could find one) and workshops for teaching.

While searching more online, I have found that Home Depot offers a free monthly "Do it herself" workshop. This month focuses on the entrance to your home. HELLO, that is just screaming for me to go and listen! Our front door is SCARY! (I will now need to upload a photo for proof)

My friends & family all have children of their own or went back to school to finish a degree they started 7 years ago when we graduated. And the other "family & friends", I just choose NOT to associate with (that's the truth!)

So what do "Stay at home Moms" do? Even though I don't have a child of my own, my routine looks a little something like this:

5:45am - Wake up with Dad and try to pull the covers back over my head while he gets ready
6:45am - My alarm goes off, and I jump in the shower (after scrolling through facebook)
7:05am - Wake up Junior and pull his sheets/blankets off of him (while still getting dressed myself)
7:10am- Breakfast for Junior, as well as making his lunch at the same time
7:30am - Still putting myself together, making sure that lunch and last nights homework are packed
7:40am - Running out the door to get Junior to school on time
8:00am - Drop off at school
8:15am- Arrive home from dropping off, and begin doing chores. (dishes, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.)
9:45-10:45am - Usually about the time that I am done getting everything done, depends on day!
11:00am-2:00pm- A huge block of free time that I don't know what to do with myself (I usually end up on pinterest, facebook and this blog)
2:30pm - Pick up the boy from school (3 days a week)
3:00pm - Snack & Homework with Junior
4:00pm - Trying to find an activity for him to keep busy until Dad gets home (usually lego building, chores, playing up in his room, playing with the neighbor boys, etc.)
5:00pm - Start preparing dinner, catching up on afternoon dishes and making sure the house is tidy
6:00pm - Dad has arrived home from work (usually) and started cooking dinner
7:00pm - Dinner time . . . sometimes earlier (if I try to cook) and sometimes later (if he is home late)
8:00pm - Bedtime for Junior

So that is just an AVERAGE day, nevermind the nights he goes to see his mother. Or the nights that we have an appointment for his counseling. HUGE curveball.

What can I do to fill in the spare time? Two days a week, I am alone from 11am-6pm and have no idea what to do. I want to try writing, sewing, gardening. . . SOMETHING! The only thing that keeps me busy and distracted is shopping. Which, I can only go shopping SO much.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"How do you make a baby?"

As I mentioned in my introduction, Junior is very curios. Dad finds it hilarious when his son asks questions, that are way more difficult to answer! The other day, Dad and I were having a conversation. We want to get married, have a child together and live happily ever after.  As I said out loud: "How much longer do I need to wait, to have a baby?"

Junior: Exactly how do you make a baby?
Me: I'm not really sure, I have never had one of my own. (my face was turning one million shades of red from embarrassment) You should probably ask your mom. (the only answer I could get out of my mouth)
Junior: Well, does Dad suck on your boobs or something?
Me:  No, only babies suck on their moms boobs for food, after they are born.
Junior: Oh, well then HOW do you make a baby?
Me: Trust me buddy, you really don't want to know. You will be embarrassed and grossed out.

Junior left the room, went up to his dad and began asking questions. I finally let out a quiet sigh of relief and giggled to myself.

Later that night, I explained to Dad that Junior asked if babies are made by the Daddy sucking on the Mommy's boobs. And we both let out some laughter.

Oh, I am really not ready to explain this.

History & Introduction

Kids today have changed. . . . A lot!

Over the past year, my boyfriend and I have been raising his eight year old son. When I say his, I use that term loosely. Because back in 2012, we gained emergency custody of "Junior" and I became a "Mama" overnight.

My blog is going to have a very strong focus on conversations between me and the ever so curious Junior. Mostly because, I have NO idea how to answer his questions, even after becoming a preschool teacher. 8 years old is not in my area of interest . . . at all!

For a brief history of my family, I had known my current boyfriend for about fifteen years. (wow, I feel super old) And he had a son with a previous fling, producing this adorable little Junior. My boyfriend, lets call him Dad, and I had kissed in my parents garage when I was 17. Then we were just friends for about 5 years (of torture and crushes). Finally, I admitted that I kind of liked him and we started the kissing and such, all over again 3 and a half years ago.

Here we are today, the three of us . . . in a cozy home that Dad has rebuilt, to our liking. Junior is now 8 years old and Mama (me) is home all day, everyday taking care of him and our home.

And so begin the ramblings of an ex-preschool teacher. . . now turned Stay at home Mom!

(Let's just say, I never thought I would miss my classroom. . . but I do now!)